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6 Trends Changing the Channel


In the multi-year transition to cloud models, we've found six key trends affecting how vendors engage, enable and evolve their partner models and programs. From the data gathered in the 2019 State of Partnering study, corroborated by hundreds of partner interviews and dozens of client engagements, the themes introduced in last year’s State of Partnering Study are getting a few updates.

Topics: Channel Best Practices, Industry Perspective

It's Time to Accept Cloud Models


Back in 2015, after eight years of talking about the technology industry moving to cloud consumption models, we conducted PartnerPath’s first research on how vendors and solution providers were coping in the transition. This research led to Driving Cloud Transitions, a report which found the on-demand model was producing challenges for both vendor and solution provider partners. Both groups experienced minimal revenue and profitability impact from cloud business models. Partners needed significant help developing profitable and sustainable businesses that highly leverage cloud technologies and on-demand business models.

Topics: Channel Best Practices, Industry Perspective

Cisco Live


Five from Cisco Live!

This week, CEO Diane Krakora is in San Diego, CA for the Cisco Live! annual customer and partner conference. After a full day of keynotes, sessions and meetings, she has five main takeaways from Day 1. Watch her short video ruminating on these five main points.

  1. Cisco is a partner-centric organization (reporting that 90% of their business comes through partners)
  2. the importance of new buying centers (line of business buyers)
  3. the focus on customer success
  4. what is a partner’s DNA?
  5. why perform to transform

Topics: Industry Perspective

Channel Focus 2019 – Day 3


The Best Use for Best Practices

This week, CEO Diane Krakora was in Carlsbad, CA (near San Diego) for the Channel Focus North America Conference. On Day 3, she attended more sessions in an extremely busy and content-filled last day. During many sessions, channel executives shared details on their partner programs, structures, business models, and best practices. Diane noticed attendees frantically taking notes and has this caution, "put everything into context." Hear why she thinks you shouldn't implement what others are doing without taking a closer look at your own partner maturity.

Topics: Industry Perspective

Channel Focus 2019 – Day 2


Keynote: New Channels New Challenges

This week, CEO Diane Krakora is in Carlsbad, CA (near San Diego) for the Channel Focus North America Conference. On Day 2, she attended 10 hours of sessions which included 1 keynote, 3 tracks and 12 workshops. (Alas, she can't be in multiple sessions at once!) Watch this 4-minute video to hear her comments on some of the interesting points made in the keynote by Gavriella Schuster titled, "New Channels New Challenges - How should a smart vendor respond?"

Topics: Industry Perspective

Channel Focus 2019 – Day 1


Women's Leadership Council

This week, CEO Diane Krakora traveled to Carlsbad, CA (near San Diego) for the Channel Focus North America Conference. On Day 1, she attended the Women's Leadership Council. Watch this 5-minute video as she runs down the three primary topics covered throughout the day:

  1. What's it like to be a woman in technology?
  2. How do you get a "seat at the table"?
  3. How do you create a personal brand?

Topics: Industry Perspective

SAP Partner Summit 2019


A Focus on Next Generation Partners

This week, CEO Diane Krakora is at Sapphire Now in Orlando, Florida. She kicked off the week with Monday's sessions at the SAP Global Partner Summit. What is their "next generation" partnering about? Diane runs down some of the key elements presented by SAP including partner IP, partner economics and partner experience. SAP packed a TON of information all into one day focused entirely on partners and Diane packed it into 7 minutes. Take a look.

Topics: Industry Perspective

The Transaction is Overrated – Focus on Influence


Your biggest influencers are your partners. Do you track them?

By Diane Krakora, CEO

I realize it’s silly to declare a sales process overrated or worse, irrelevant. But the acquisition of the purchase order (which ignites the operational processes to ship product and book a sale) is meaningless. In days when revenues are paramount, the act of transacting business with customers seems to be the most relevant action within the sales cycle. However, I assert the sale actually happened long before the quote was created or the contract signed.

Topics: Industry Perspective

Channel Partners Expo – 3 Last Day Learnings


Final Takeaways from Partner Discussions

This week CEO Diane Krakora attended Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Las Vegas. On the last day of the conference, the crowd thinned a bit and but there were still plenty of channel conversations to be had. Diane recorded this video highlighting three topics from these discussions. Spoiler, the three things are (1) specializations, (2) customer success and (3) next generation programs. What is their significance? Take a look.

Topics: Industry Perspective

Channel Partners Expo – Channel Transformation with Jay McBain


3 Top Trends from Jay McBain of Forrester

This week CEO Diane Krakora is attending Channel Partners Conference & Expo in Las Vegas. Jay McBain, principal analyst, global channels at Forrester Research, gave the keynote on April 10. He shared ten trends in channel transformation that are disrupting business. Diane shares three of those trends and what they mean for your business (in less than three minutes!).

Topics: Industry Perspective