Guide: 10 Questions to Help You Design an Effective Partner Advisory Council

Guide-PAC-ThumbnailA Partner Advisory Council (PAC) can provide deep insights into your customer needs and expectations in addition to understanding how to grow your partner leverage and performance.

To get you started, answer the ten questions in this guide. They will help you determine what, why, when and how you should engage partners in listening activities and specifically, in Partner Advisory Councils. None of these questions are easy but answering them will put you on the path to a strong Partner Advisory Council program.

Make the Most of Your PAC

Rafael Contreras

Powerful Partner Feedback

“The information PartnerPath provided was valuable and helpful throughout the entire process. The feedback collected from our partners and shared prior was extremely helpful and strategic and the wrap-up/post data is critical to us as we drive initiatives forward. It will be (and has already been) used over and over in conversations with leadership and partners!”
Rafael Contreras | Area Vice President, Global Operations, Strategy and Chief of Staff