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Let our channel experts lead your Impartner installation.

Impartner’s PRM solution enables you to leverage processes and strategies to streamline business processes with partners and accelerate the impact partnering has on your business whilst ensuring a modern and positive partner experience.

PartnerPath offer two levels of implementation of the Impartner PRM solutions both delivered by Impartner 301 PX certified experts and senior channel consultants offering you best practices, design templates and configuration to support an agile build implementation. PartnerPath work closely with you to understand your channel goals to build robust detailed design requirements to support them.

Assisted Implementation

Our Assisted Implementation offers our experts for guidance and collaboration above and beyond the vendor training to co-implement, resolve issues and discuss design ideas to offer you real world walkthroughs and skills transfer to manage your implementation. This level of implementation includes:

  • PartnerPath guidance and collaboration with you doing the hands-on configuration.
  • Your own Impartner expert to manage the launch​.
  • Kick-off call to gather data​.
  • Up to 14 live collaboration and Q&A sessions with a dedicated Impartner consultant to co-implement, resolve issues, discuss design ideas and more. ​
  • Cost: $8,000

Optimized IMplementation

Our Optimized Implementation sees our experts leading the implementation on your behalf and with your guidance, ensuring an accelerated and positive digital experience for your partners. This level of implementation includes:

  • A professionally implemented portal by an Impartner expert with knowledge transfer on how to maintain the portal.

  • Up to 7 live collaboration and design delivery sessions to:​
    • Understand implementation needs​
    • Discuss design ideas​
    • Demonstrate work in progress
  • Cost: $15,000

PartnerPath implementation support is for the Impartner solution only, configuration and integration with your existing platforms and environments (such as CRM) must be completed by the customer with our guidance.

ImpartnerQualified_PRM_ExpertImpartnerQualified_ImplementationPartnerPath is an Authorized Impartner Partner.

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