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Partner Profile & Value Proposition

Gain more traction with partners.

Outcome: Target the right partners with the right message

Cost: ~$20,000–$40,000 depending upon the number of target customer segments and partner types

Time to completion: 5-6 weeks

Summary of Actions:Profile-Value-Prop

  1. Gather background information
    1. Market and partnering position
    2. Partnering strategy and planning documents
  2. Interview up to 8 internal key stakeholders
  3. Interview ~ 12 partners
    1. 8 partners from client
    2. 4 partners working with industry leaders
  4. Describe the partners’ expected role in the sales and service cycles and what the client will do
  5. Define the partner profile for the primary target customer segment
    1. What type of partner services for target customers
    2. Define the attributes of potential channel partners (profiles)
    3. Potential uniqueness across market maturity
  6. Create a partner profile scorecard
  7. Identify the value exchange
    1. Engagement expectations partners have of client
    2. The opportunity or attraction for the target partners to work with client


  • Characteristics of potentially successful partners aligned with the target customer segment
  • Partner value proposition messaging: Why partner with you

PartnerPath’s outside perspective was invaluable in this initiative as we were up against a lot of preconceived beliefs, unique (to Workday) biases, and history. I also really appreciated having thought partners as we worked through some foundational concepts."
– Matt Morris, Workday


Contact us to design a scope of work that aligns with your needs.

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