PartnerPath Channel Blog

Tech Channel Video Cast: Partner Marketing Needs TOFU

Written by Amanda Hawkins | June 3, 2016 at 4:20 PM

Teach partners the importance of marketing.

This week, hosts Charlene O'Hanlon, channel industry editor & writer, and Diane Krakora, CEO of PartnerPath, were joined by Peter Thomas, CEO of Averetek. Building upon the discussion in a recent webinar on "Marketing Musts," they talk about to, with and through partner marketing and the importance of helping partners understand all the stages of the customer lifecycle. 

While tofu is a great protein substitute, TOp of FUnnel content is the TOFU partners need in their marketing diet. Charlene comments on some of the challenges in getting partners to understand the importance of creating awareness and becoming a thought leader. Hear her comments along with Peter and Diane's responses and let us know what you think. 

Charlene O'Hanlon, Editor & Writer Diane Krakora,
CEO at PartnerPath

Do you provide any TOFU content or education to your partners? How do you encourage them to educate the market and not strictly pitch products and solutions? We'd love to read your comments below.