PartnerPath Channel Blog

Tech Channel Video Cast: So Many Mergers & Acquisitions

Written by Amanda Hawkins | June 23, 2016 at 3:13 PM

What does all this M&A mean for channel partners?

This week, hosts Charlene O'Hanlon, channel industry editor & writer, and Diane Krakora, CEO of PartnerPath, chat about why there are so many mixed mergers and acquisitions in the last few weeks and what it may mean for channel partners. How will the technology mesh as bigger fish swallow the smaller fish?

Part of what sparks the conversation:

  • Microsoft acquires LinkedIn (is there anyone who didn't hear about this one?)
  • Symantec acquires Blue Coat
  • CenturyLink acquires ElasticBox
  • Salesforce acquires Demandware
  • Oracle acquires Opower and Textura
  • Plus Dell, Marketo and Qlik in the news along with numerous channel acquisitions and mergers (Carousel, PC Connect and CSC)

Vendors looking to acquire companies should think about how will their channel partners overlap and what the channel programs will look like. Watch the video to hear Diane talk about, "The acquirer has to think about engaging the partners of the company they bought. [Partners] need to be recruited. When you buy a technology company the channel the company has doesn't come with it. It's not part of the purchase price."

Do you agree? Where do partners fit into thoughts about acquisitions? Let us know! We'd love to read your comments below.

Charlene O'Hanlon, Editor & Writer Diane Krakora,
CEO at PartnerPath